Behaviour for Learning

Sir Jonathan North Girls' College is a learning community committed to providing high quality education.  In order to achieve this, all students and staff have the right to work in a safe, calm, orderly and positive environment, conducive to effective learning for all. 

We have very high expectations of the behaviour of students, both in lessons and around College.  We want to ensure that students are not disturbed in lessons by the poor behaviour of others.  We want to support all staff to be consistent when challenging poor behaviour.

Our College Values: 

  • Resilience
  • Respect
  • Reflectiveness
  • Resourcefulness

Based on these core values as a college we expect the following behaviours from our students:

  • Students never give up, even when things are hard or times are tough.
  • Students arrive on time to their lessons ready to learn.
  • Students do not let their emotions negatively affect their behaviour.
  • Students use time in lessons well so that they make progress
  • Students follow the instructions of all staff in and outside of the classroom.
  • Students respond courteously to staff, visitors and other students inside and outside the classroom.
  • Students value the college buildings and everyone’s property so that the environment is a positive place to work and be in
  • Students value and are tolerant of each other’s differences.
  • Students adjust their attitude and behaviour to suit the situation they are in
  • When students get it wrong, they accept the consequence and reflect on how to get it right next time.
  • Students reflect on feedback given and respond by making improvements.
  • Students reflect on their attendance and punctuality taking action required to make improvements.
  • Students take pride in keeping their work neat and presentable.
  • Students bring what they need to every lesson.
  • Students use all the resources available to them to help with their work.
  • Students ask probing questions, make links between topics and adapt to different situations


It is expected that parents/carers will: 

  • Ensure their child is in the correct uniform/college dress.
  • Ensure their child has a school bag and the correct equipment they require.
  • Encourage full attendance by avoiding holidays in term time and arranging routine medical and dental appointments outside of the college day.
  • Inform the college as soon as possible if their child cannot attend college because of illness.
  • Ensure that their child arrives punctually to the college.
  • Ensure that their child completes homework by checking Beehive.
  • Attend Parents’ Evenings and other discussions about their child’s progress
  • Support the College Behaviour Policy