Equality Objectives

Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College recognises that the Equality Act has three aims and they are to: 

  • Eliminate unlawful discrimination, harassment and victimisation and other conduct under the Act 
  • Advance equality of opportunity between people who share a protected characteristic and those who do not 
  • Foster good relations between people who have a shared characteristic and those who do not 

Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College is committed to promoting equality and diversity, providing an inclusive, caring and supportive environment, which is committed to the promotion of equity and genuine equal opportunity for all. Our Equality Objectives build on the core values of the College: 

  • Resilience 
  • Respect 
  • Reflectiveness 
  • Resourcefulness

Equality Objectives 2022 - 2023

  • To ensure that staff and governors are aware of current legislation surrounding equality and diversity and understand the College’s responsibility.
  • To promote cultural understanding and awareness and tolerance of different religious beliefs between different ethnic groups within our school community.
  • Actively close gaps in attainment and achievement between students for all groups of students in need; especially students eligible for Pupil Premium, students with special educational needs and disabilities, looked after children, children with a social worker, care givers and students, from minority ethnic groups.
  • Monitor the incidences of the use of homophobic, sexist and racist language by students in our school. If such incidences arise educate young people through our curriculum and support so that they understand and respect other people's views and beliefs.
  • To continuously review and revise the curriculum so that it represents a diverse culture and society and encourages tolerance and respect.
  • Create more opportunities for student leadership and participation in promoting awareness of equality and diversity
  • Develop personal development resources that support the school in achieving the above objectives.

Equality Objectives 2021 -22




Staff & governors more fully understand the Equality Duty and the college’s responsibility

Staff training day including guest speakers, student speakers, group discussions, department pledges

January 22

Governor meeting

March 22

Increased understanding of the need for positive affirmation of LGBTQ+ staff and students

Staff training day

Governor meeting

January 22

March 22

Celebrating diversity events together

World Mental Health Day

Black History Month (student led)

Diwali (student led)

National Braille Week (student led)

International Human Rights Day

Holocaust Memorial Day

LGBTQ+ History Month

International Women’s Day

Autism Awareness Month


International Day against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (student lead)

Blind Awareness week

Pride Month


October 21

October 21

December 21

January 22

February 22

March 22

April 22

May 22

May 22


June 22

June 22

Staff and students use appropriate pronouns to support wellbeing

Staff training day

Staff bulletin info– provided by students

Trust Diversity newsletter

January 22

December 21

December 21

PSHE including assemblies, Tutor Time.

Consistent use of behaviour policy to educate / sanction


Reducing sexist and LGBTQ+-phobic language & encouraging students to be upstanding

PSHE including assemblies, Tutor Time, posters

Consistent use of behaviour policy to educate / sanction


Diverse cultures are valued and understood

Global learning supports student understanding of the complex backgrounds of refugees, Ukraine, Afghanistan

See list of celebration events/ assemblies above.


Closing the academic gaps for SEND, Pupil Premium, Looked After Children and other vulnerable groups

Actions outlined in

School Improvement Plan

SEND action plan

pp action plan


Increasing the understanding of mental health

PSHE including assemblies, Tutor Time

Student Wellbeing Ambassadors trained and present at breaktimes

Staff Wellbeing strategies shared weekly

Parents and students signposted to strategies and support in termly newsletter



Curriculum celebrates diversity and supports an understanding of equality issues

Trust and college work to review

School working towards 3 pledges as a result of Diversity Training


Raised awareness and understanding for staff of barriers for colleagues who come from ethnic minority, LGBTQ+, disability or working class backgrounds - and the gifts which these characteristics bring to our college community

Diversity Research Group, sharing learning

Diversity newsletter

Staff training day




January 22

Staff with protected characteristics are supported to identify barriers to progression and enabled to overcome these

Performance management focus on barriers (practical and perceived) to progression

October 21 and ongoing

Equality Objectives outcomes 2020-21




Increased awareness of mental health

High priority within PSHE as students manage covid restrictions

Students are more supportive and understanding of those with mental health and manage their own mental health concerns more effectively

Students are more understanding of diversity and value difference

Year 11 diversity week including talks by Shaun Dellenty & Jeffrey Boakye

PSHE including gatherings, Tutor Time

Increased understanding of selves and each other

LGBTQ+ diversity is celebrated

Installation of new corridor display

Explicit affirmation of LGBTQ+ characteristics supports student wellbeing

Celebrating diversity events together

World Mental Health Day

Black History Month

International Human Rights Day

LGBTQ+ History Month


Pride Month

Students’ understanding, compassion & affirmation increased

Students’ understanding of the complex background of global events is enhanced

Assembly and Tutor Time relating to Palestine following the attack on Al Aqsa Mosque



Humanitarian Group established to oversee fundraising and awareness raising of world events.

Staff and students have an increased understanding of the global situation, and the anxieties of their peers in relation to this.

Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College is visually represented as a community which includes and values diversity at all levels

Increased use of diverse visuals on school websites, in recruitment materials, in school displays

Staff and students increasingly see themselves as included and valued. Staff are increasingly recognising the opportunity for progression to all levels in the organisation.

For further information, please see the

Equalities Act 2010
Public Sector Equality Duty