Sir Jonathan North benefits from having a Lionheart Educational Trust Careers Advisor who delivers a one-to-one service and works alongside the Advice, Guidance and Progress team to provide a range of services to our students.
These services include:
- Assistance with college and university applications
- Securing employment and apprenticeships
- One to one interviews
- And help with CVs and application forms.
Advice for parents
- A Parent’s Guide - As a parent, you are incredibly influential when it comes to the decisions your child makes in all areas of their lives and that is especially true when it comes to their education and careers. This guide makes it as easy as possible for you to talk to your child about their options.
- Careers Advice for Parents - Careers Advice for UK parents, young people, school leavers, A Level students, teenagers. Independent, informative & accurate
- Mumsnet Education - Find all you need to know on getting them from preschool through to higher education.
- Advice on UCAS for parents and guardians - Lots of resources and information dedicated to helping parents and guardians support students applying to uni.
- Paths to Professional Careers – a Parent’s Guide 2019 - Get advice aimed at parents on careers, university and school leaver programmes such as higher apprenticeships and sponsored degrees.
For more information and resources on qualifications and careers journeys that may be useful to discuss with your child, please browse the student area of our careers website
Child Employment
- The youngest age a child can work part-time is 13 - except children involved in areas like: television, theatre, modelling. Children working in these areas will need a performance licence.
- Children can only start full-time work once they’ve reached the minimum school leaving age - they can then work up to a maximum of 40 hours a week.
- Once someone reaches 16, you may need to pay them through PAYE.
- Once someone reaches 18, adult employment rights and rules then apply.
In England, a young person must be in part-time education or training until they’re 18.
Source: gov.uk
You can find out more via the following links.