Lunchtime Arrangements
Students may choose between a packed lunch and a school dinner. Some students are entitled to a free school meal.You may also give your daughter written permission to go home for lunch – although this is not encouraged in Year 7 as there are many lunchtime activities for them to participate in and make new friends. When a parent gives his/her child permission to go home for lunch they will need to take responsibility for her during this time and ensure that they arrive promptly for lesson 5 at 1.45 pm. Students are not allowed to spend lunchtimes on Knighton Lane East, they must move away from the school area for the whole of lunchtime. Students who abuse this privilege may have their permission to go off site for lunch withdrawn. Any changes to your daughter’s dining arrangements must be made in writing and handed in to her tutor.
Free School Meals
Students who are entitled to a free school meal should collect the appropriate form from reception or online. It is the responsibility of parents to claim for free school meals. The school does not deal with free school meal claims. You will therefore need to ensure that your application is made and your entitlement assured before the start of the school year. Late applications will mean that your daughter will not be able to receive a free school meal until the Local Authority have processed and authorised your claim.
Lunchtime Supervision
There are teachers on duty around the school during break time. During lunch there are lunchtime supervisors on duty. Year 7s will be allowed to access the dining hall 10 minutes before the rest of the College. Students are not allowed in the school building during lunchtime and break time unless it is raining. Students are allowed to collect library passes for break and lunchtimes.