Key Stage 3 Subjects


Art and Design, instilling a genuine passion in our students and developing inquisitive, confident and resilient learners through experiences that allow them to gain an unders…

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We want all our students to be good, confident users of technology; equipped with computational thinking skills enabling them to be problem solvers, innovators and creators.

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In Expressive Arts we aim to foster a love for the Arts by offering a broad and balanced experience across art, dance, drama and music.

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Curriculum rationale In Expressive Arts we aim to foster a love for the Arts by offering a broad and balanced experience across art, dance, drama and music.  We want to enthus…

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Our vision is to nurture a passion for reading in our students so they read for pleasure across a wide range of genres and different cultures, to communicate effectively, to t…

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To offer an up-to-date, relevant and issues-based curriculum with sustainable development at the core

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We want our students to be good mathematicians who will develop an enjoyment, enthusiasm and confidence for the subject

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Modern Foreign Languages

The aim of the MFL curriculum is to develop successful and effective communicators and to allow students to reflect on their culture alongside understanding new cultures

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In Expressive Arts we aim to foster a love for the Arts by offering a broad and balanced experience across art, dance, drama and music.

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Physical Education

We have a profound belief that the most important aspect of Physical Education is not to win but to take part, just as the most important thing in life is not the triumph but…

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Religious Education

Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College believe that all students should be informed about religious belief and faith as part of their educational entitlement.

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We provide a high-quality science education based on the foundations for understanding the world through the specific disciplines of biology, chemistry and physic.

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