
Art and Design, instilling a genuine passion in our students and developing inquisitive, confident and resilient learners through experiences that allow them to gain an understanding of the world around them and themselves.

Curriculum rationale

We have a moral obligation and responsibility as educators to prepare young people to engage in the wider world around them. Art and Design is a creative platform in which students can access, enjoy and thrive. Our curriculum is built on a secure foundation of skills and knowledge which challenges learners to become independent practitioners through an iterative process of reflection and refinement.

Our specialist art classrooms, digital suite and ceramics facilities allow students to study drawing, painting, ceramics, mixed media, printing, digital art and photography. Our KS3 curriculum is designed to engage, inspire and challenge pupils, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to experiment, invent and create their own works of art, craft and design. We provide a rich and diverse learning experience which exceeds the requirements of the National Curriculum, providing our students with many opportunities to develop and refine practical skills. Our learners are encouraged and nurtured to become more confident when developing new ideas and concepts through critical understanding. We aim to develop the personal attributes of all our students in order to enhance their identity, independence and individuality. We believe that a student’s personal journey of creative and discovery will enhance confidence, embed learning and support them beyond the classroom into adult life.

Curriculum Design

Our curriculum has been designed around the introduction to the elements of visual language and the development of this within the fundamentals of; drawing, painting, 3D Art and the appreciation of artists’ work past and present.  The curriculum is predominantly practical and aims to engage students in the activity of creating work for as much of their time in the classroom as possible.  We believe that the teaching of the practical element should be taught alongside both historical and contemporary art theory. It is important that we develop the practical skills that will inform and strengthen students’ wider understanding and appreciation of art in all its forms.

At KS3 Students will indefinitely, experience a broad curriculum, enriched with creativity, allowing them to develop ideas more successfully throughout their onwards journey at SJNGC.

Curriculum Plan

Key Stage 3

Art & Design is taught on a weekly basis. Students have a 1-hour lesson per week equivalent to 38 hours per year. Assessment is regular and uses a model personalised to our curriculum allowing students to make rapid progress and take ownership of what is required from them to progress to the next step. During their final year at KS3, students choose whether they would like to opt for GCSE Fine Art or GCSE Art Craft & Design.

Year 7

  Topic What will students learn by the end of the topic Assessment
Term 1

The Formal elements,

16 X 50 minute lessons




Students will learn about the building blocks of art by exploring and creating practical outcomes based on the formal elements of art and design. Students will produce work using - line, tone, shape, form colour, space and texture including looking at the work of artists past and present.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.



Term 2

Zaha Hadid (Architecture Project) 10 X 50 minute lessons



Students will learn how to develop ideas through drawing activities. They will use the work of architect Zaha Hadid as inspiration. Students will learn how to sculpt with clay and create a clay tile which will form a larger collaborative sculpture.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.


Term 3

Let's Print Project, 12 X 50 minute lessons





Students will learn about artists who use different printing methods. They will develop ideas using the schools buildings as a focus, creating a range of prints using mono and polystyrene printing techniques. Students will use oil and ink based methods and create mixed media surfaces in which to print onto.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.




Year 8

  Topic What will students learn by the end of the topic Assessment
Term 1

Inspirational Women Project, 16 X 50 minute lessons







Students will learn about the work of artist Neomi Safir and develop skills in different mediums in response. They will learn about collage techniques as well as working with oil pastels and chalk pastels. They will experiment with a range of paints including watercolour, gouache and acrylic. Students will create an abstract piece of art which forms a larger collaborative piece, depicting an inspirational women from past or present.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.





Term 2

Portraiture Project, 10 X 50 minute lessons






Students explore a range of portrait artists developing pencil skills and observational drawing skills. Students learn about new printing methods and are taught how to use the lino printing method. Colour studies are developed and students create a range of visual textures which are used for their portrait based lino print.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention.

Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.



Term 3 Photography & Digital using the theme of inspirational women and portraiture. 12 X 50 minute lessons Students continue to explore portraiture through the use of digital applications. Students learn about photography and scanning techniques. Photoshop skills are introduced and students develop portrait based digital responses based on the work of Neomi Saffir.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.


Year 9

  Topic What will students learn by the end of the topic Assessment
Term 1

Land Sea & Air, 16 X 50 minute lessons








Students create a series of natural form studies and learn how to present in an A3 sketchbook. They will learn to work with new mediums such as biro, bamboo with ink, charcoal with white chalk and pen wash techniques. Students will learn about a range of artists who use the environment around them as inspiration. they will create artist anysis pages as well as creating responses to their chosen artists.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.





Term 2

Land Sea & Air, 16 X 50 minute lessons







Students will learn how to take good quality photographs including how to present these alongside secondary imagery. Students will learn how to respond from their imagery and learn about gridding, enlarging and distorting techniques. They will create a series of drawings using these techniques and learn how to create mood boards and visual mind maps to show further critical understanding.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.




Term 3

Land Sea & Air, 12 X 50 minute lessons






Students will create a range of 3d responses using cardboard and clay. They will also learn and develop skills in two part printing and create prints using the collagraph method. Students will finally develop all of the above skills in preparation for a final outcome. The students final outcome will be created in a discipline of their choice.

Formative assessment throughout lessons to inform intervention. Summative assessment of overall project at the end of the topic.




Curriculum Assessment

KS3 students will have regular, low stakes diagnostic tests to check understanding and allow teachers to address misconceptions. These assessments allow teachers and students to identify areas of strengths and areas to improve.

Extra-curricular opportunities

Visits to art galleries
Summer Arts Festival we host an art exhibition inviting family and friends in to view classwork
Afterschool art club exploring digital art, clay, glass work and also set design for any upcoming school productions.
Art and Design competitions

Essential equipment

KS3 students will need to purchase an A4 sketchbook each year through Beehive (cost approximately £1.00)