To offer an up-to-date, relevant and issues-based curriculum with sustainable development at the coreGeography
When you think of geography, what comes to mind? Memorising maps and capitals? That’s not all geography is! It’s actually much more. Geography is the study of humans and people through space, throughout time and how those spaces have shaped history. It’s a fascinating field of study, and important too!
Our aim is that all students leave Sir Jonathan North as good geographers. Our departmental vision is to offer an up-to-date, relevant and issues-based curriculum with sustainable development at the core. The geography curriculum is designed to inspire awe and wonder about the world; we want our students to apply knowledge and conceptual understanding to new settings and through enquiry and problem-solving activities to prepare them for life in the 21st century.
Our aim is that students think geographically about the changing world, becoming critical thinkers and knowledgeable, skilful and responsible citizens who care about the future of our planet’. We cover the full breath of KS3 National Curriculum via our ‘spiral curriculum model’.
Our curriculum is based on igniting a passion for Geography through the development of subject specific knowledge and skills. At each level of key stage three, we intend to lay the foundations of a secure knowledge base whilst embedding the skills required to thrive in Key Stage 4. We believe that students should have a sound understanding of the world that they live in and understand how our physical and human world interlink knowing that human action can have both a positive and negative impact on the physical environment. We want our young people prepared with the knowledge, skills and understanding to make sense of their world and to face the challenges that will shape our societies and environments at the local, national and global scales, now and in the future.
Year 7
Topics |
What students will learn by the end of the topic |
Assessments |
Autumn Term |
Introduction to geography & the UK |
Students will understand the differences between physical, human and environmental geography. They will learn about the key physical and human features of the UK . They will also study Leicester to gain an insight into its location and population structure. |
· Optometric test · Mid topic test - KS2 Baseline test · End of topic Test
Spring Term |
Water and Air |
Students will know the difference between weather and climate. They will be able to interpret a climate graph and understand the causes and consequences of extreme weather. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Spring Term |
The Middle East |
Students will know where the Middle East is located, countries found in this part of the world and some of the opportunities and challenges these countries face. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Summer Term |
The future of Planet Earth |
Students will look at sustainability and understand the need to reduce our impact on climate change. They will also understand the importance of recycling. Students will be made aware of why some species are becoming endangered as a result of human actions. |
· Book marking
Year 8
Unit |
What will students learn by the end of the topic |
Assessments |
Autumn Term |
Development |
Students will know a number of reasons why some countries are more developed than others. They study the measures put in place to try and reduce these inequalities such as Sustainable Development Goals. They will understand that a reduction in gender inequality can improve development. |
· Optometric test . Book marking · End of topic test |
A crowded planet |
Students will know that the distribution of population is unequal across the world and how rapid urbanisation can lead to the growth of slum housing. They will be aware of strategies to improve living conditions for people. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Spring Term |
Rivers and coasts |
Students will know the different features created by the action of water and the landforms created by erosion, transportation and deposition. They will be aware of the causes and consequences of flooding and how to mitigate for it. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Summer Term |
Asia |
Students will be able to identify where Asia is in the world and the countries which make up this continent. They will also understand that these countries have diverse populations. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Year 9
Unit |
What students learn by the end of the topic |
Assessments |
Autumn Term
Climate change |
Students will know the causes and consequences of climate change. They will also have studied the effects of human actions on our ocean ecosystems, such as overfishing and the Great Pacific Garbage Patch. |
· Optometric test . Book marking · End of topic test |
The Middle East |
Students will be able to locate where the Middle East is and which countries it includes. They will know that there are physical and human differences within and between countries. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Spring Term
Tectonic hazards |
Students will understand how and why earthquakes and volcanic eruptions occur and why they only happen in certain parts of the world. They will have studied case studies so will be aware of the consequences of such disasters and how people can mitigate for them. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
Summer Term
Africa |
Students will know some countries which make up this continent and their physical and human characteristics. They will be aware of the challenges facing some of these countries and will understand the advantages and disadvantages of Trans- national companies locating in African countries. |
· Book marking · End of topic test |
In KS3 geography we use a combination of retrieval throughout the course and synoptic summative assessments. Our students have frequent retrieval along with an extended writing task whenever possible. Students all have an end of unit assessment each term. These are focused on monitoring students’ progress in their knowledge and understanding of location, place, human and physical geography and physical and human interaction. They will also be tested on their ability to apply geographical skills.
Subject-specific assessment statements correlate with the core concepts, allowing the students to understand their development and take ownership of their own progress and development.
Students receive feedback in a variety of formats. This involves whole class feedback, and individual targets. Students work is marked using a combination of self, peer and teacher feedback. Peer assessment, using a marking criteria, is undertaken to help students understand what is required to write a good answer and to engage in metacognition to think about their own answers and how to improve them.
In Year 7 students have the opportunity to go to Conkers where we focus on sustainability, team building and orienteering. This links well with the ‘Saving planet Earth’ SOW. We have also planned for ‘outside the classroom’ fieldwork experience where Y7 do a local microclimate enquiry in the college grounds.
In Year 8 students have the opportunity to go to Carsington Reservoir in Derbyshire. This reinforces work they have studied in the ‘Water World’ SOW.
In Year 9 students have the opportunity to go to Twycross Zoo in Leicestershire. This enhances the work students do on deforestation and loss of habitats in the ‘Climate Change’ unit.
We run a weekly Eco club for KS3 students and in July 2023 achieved a Green Flag award with merit. We have applied again this academic and are awaiting the results. Eco club has also worked with the charity Sustrans to encourage more low carbon travel to and from college.