We want our students to be good mathematicians who will develop an enjoyment, enthusiasm and confidence for the subjectCurriculum rationale
We want our students to be good mathematicians who will develop an enjoyment, enthusiasm and confidence for the subject. We aim to ensure that all students have fluency, a growing ability to reason mathematically and the tools to apply mathematics to solve problems with increasing sophistication so that they are able to in future courses or job roles. The mathematics students’ encounter will stretch and challenge them appropriately in order for them to reach their true potential.
They will be aware of the importance of mathematics outside the classroom, have the necessary skills to be able to thrive in life after college, and all students will leave with a qualification that helps them with their next steps.
Our curriculum ensures that all students joining Sir Jonathan North in Year 7 will have the opportunity to consolidate and build on the key elements of the KS2 Mathematics syllabus that will then enable all students to make sustained progress throughout their 5 years here.
The curriculum will allow time for topics to be covered in depth and students will develop their conceptual understanding of mathematics, not just their procedural knowledge. Wherever possible, students will explore the connections between different topics within the subject.
Curriculum Plan
Mathematics KS3 year curriculum plan |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Autumn Term |
Algebra and Additive relationships |
Number and Algebra |
Graphs, Proportion, Probability and Algebra |
Spring Term |
Multiplicative Relationships |
2D Geometry and Proportional Reasoning |
2D Geometry and Equations and Inequalities |
Summer Term |
Geometry and Fractions |
3D Geometry and Statistics |
Pythagoras and Intro to Trigonometry |
For a more detailed look at the KS3 maths offer by year please click on the KS3 Maths Curriculum outline link below.
KS3 Maths Curriculum outline
Curriculum assessment
Years 7 ,8, and 9 will have regular, low stakes diagnostic tests to check understanding and allow teachers to address misconceptions. They will also have two synoptic tests and two core knowledge check assessments in the year to allow teachers and students to identify areas of strengths and areas to improve.
The primary aim of all of the assessments is to address any areas that students do not fully understand through feedback, retrieval and re-teaching if necessary. Students will receive verbal feedback regularly in class as well as written and class feedback on an assessment.
Extra-curricular opportunities
Students are encouraged to take part the UK Maths Challenges for Years 8 and 10. In addition, Year 9 students have the opportunity to take part in numeracy leaders where student leaders design starters and resources to deliver to younger year groups.
Essential equipment
Each student should bring a maths set (black pen, green pen, pencil, ruler, rubber, protractor, compass) and a calculator (Casio Dual Powered FX85GT CW) to every mathematics lesson. These can be purchased for £2 and £12.10 respectively on Beehive.
Additional resources
Home work at our school
Complete Maths TUTOR is an Intelligent Tutoring System, which brings the benefits of traditional tutoring, but through clever technology. It continuously diagnoses your child’s Maths attainment to respond to their individual needs, hence supports them to achieve the best possible outcomes in Maths.
The content in the system is organised into ‘Courses’, which contain ‘Ideas’, each of which is split into ‘Goals’. When they are set homework, it will be to complete a certain number of Goals weekly and write the solutions in a CMT exercise book which will be provided in school. Our students are of course, encouraged to work independently on more content than that which has been set. There is also a ‘Memory Boost’ section, which is a daily set of five questions that allows them to practice content they have worked on recently. This works well on phones (as does all the content) Why not encourage them to see how long they can continue a daily streak on Memory Boost?