If students are interested in setting up their own business or have a better understanding how other people have set up theirs, then this is the course for them.
This option will suit those students who have an interest in a vocational, work-related subject focusing on business. Learning takes place through a variety of different methods. Students need to enjoy working independently and wish to try something new.
While studying the two units of this course students are likely to learn a lot of new things. They will be introduced to the world of small businesses and will look at what makes someone a successful businessperson.
In year 10 students will study:
- Enterprise and entrepreneurship
- Spotting a business opportunity
- Putting a business idea into practice
- Making the business effective
- Understanding external influences on business.
In year 11 students will study:
- Growing the business
- Making marketing decisions
- Making operational decisions
- Making financial decisions
- Making human resource decisions.
There are two written exams at the end of year 11, paper 1 and paper 2. Together they make up 100% of the grade. There is no coursework element to this course. The two exam papers are 1 hour 30 minutes each. Paper 1 covers Year 10 content and Paper 2 covers Year 11 content.
Students have the opportunity to learn about businesses outside the classroom. They can apply what they learn in a classroom to what they see in the wider world. They may even be interested in setting up their own business using the skills and knowledge learnt in the classroom.
Business provides the foundation completing an A-Level subjects or BTEC in Business at sixth form or college. Business opens the door to understanding what is happening in a real-life business when students join the world of work. Student can go onto careers in management consultancy, trading, teaching, particularly with head-teacher roles, chartered accountancy, advertising, investment banking, bank management, retail buying, distribution and logistics management, insurance underwriting, marketing executive, consumer products, market research executive, personnel officer, public relations officer, retail management and sales to name a few.