The aims of this qualification are to:
- develop confidence in, and a positive attitude towards, Spanish and to recognise the importance of languages
- provide a strong linguistic and cultural foundation for students who go on to study languages at a higher level post-16
- develop students’ ability and ambition to communicate independently in speech and writing with speakers of Spanish for authentic purposes
- develop students’ ability to communicate independently about subjects that are meaningful and interesting to them
- build students’ confidence and broaden their horizons, enabling them to step beyond familiar cultural boundaries, develop new ways of seeing the world, and better understand relationships between the foreign language and the English language
- enable students to become familiar with aspects of the contexts and cultures of the countries and communities where Spanish is spoken
This qualification in Spanish focusses on the development of all four language skills, listening, speaking, reading and writing. Grammar and the mastering of linguistic features are key elements as is continually improving the accuracy of pronunciation. The topics students will study are:
- My personal world
- Lifestyle and wellbeing
- My neighbourhood
- Media and technology
- Studying and my future
- Travel and tourism
Paper 1: Speaking
Students will be assessed on their ability to speak using clear and comprehensible language, for a range of audiences and purposes, and in formal and informal contexts, which are relevant to their current and future needs and interests.
Paper 2: listening
Students are assessed on their understanding of standard spoken Spanish in formal and informal contexts, and familiar and unfamiliar settings.
Paper 3: reading and understanding
Students are assessed on their understanding of written Spanish across a range of
genres and in both formal and informal contexts.
Paper 4: writing
Students are assessed on their ability to communicate effectively and with accuracy through writing in Spanish for a variety of purposes, in both formal and informal contexts, and for a range of audiences.
We aim to give students cultural experiences and input to broaden their awareness of the world outside the classroom and, more specifically, of the culture of the countries where Spanish is spoken. For example, students can experience a breakfast inspired by the culinary traditions of a country where Spanish is spoken.
This qualification offers a suitable progression route to GCE AS and GCE A Level in Spanish language. The integration of productive and receptive skills replicates the approach that is used in the A level qualifications.
A Level also focuses on cultural knowledge. In the GCSE we actively reference cultural aspects, allowing progression on to this aspect of the A-level qualification. In addition, the study of one language at GCSE can facilitate and help promote the learning of other languages.
The qualification may also add to an individual’s employability profile. Students will be able to apply their knowledge, skills and understanding to authentic, real-life contexts. They will develop transferable skills that support higher education study and the transition to employment, together with an understanding and appreciation of Spanish-speaking countries and their cultures.