Eco-club is an opportunity for students from all year groups to engage in helping to improve the environment of Sir Jonathan North College. So far we have achieved the silver Eco award and are on our way to Green Flag which is the equivalent of gold.
Our current project is to renovate the front garden of the college to make it a more welcoming area for students. We plan to turn it into an eco-garden with areas for wildlife to flourish.
In the club we take part in many activities including: planting flowers, helping to recycle, designing posters and finding strategic ways to make our school cleaner. Our students have opportunities to work with external eco stakeholders and this year they presented their eco initiatives and projects to the RHS. We are annually part of Leicester Litter Less campaign and also form litter picking walks in local areas. Eco-club offers the opportunity to develop new friendships, raise awareness for the environment and become leaders as eco-friendly ambassadors for our college.