Friends Against Bullying And Discrimination
The Friends Against Bullying And Discrimination (F.A.B.A.D) Club takes place every Tuesday lunchtime in D15. All are welcome. The group focus on different types of bullying that take place, how we can best support ourselves and others and celebrates festivals and events that are taking place. It is also a safe place for students to talk about any experiences they may have had with bullying and support each other.
By attending you will be given opportunities to attend training, such as the Be Safe Online Training and Anti-bullying Ambassador Training which are run by the Diana Award.
Information on Anti-Bullying
At Sir Jonathan North College we use the acronym STOP to describe bullying as Several Times On Purpose and that in response to this they should Start Telling Other People.
Where to Go For Help
We encourage students to talk out about any issue or difficulty they are facing. We are a listening school and students can speak to any staff member they feel most comfortable about any issue they are facing. This could be their Progress Tutor, Progress Leader, a member of the Learning Mentor or a member of the Support Team or one of their Class Teachers. They could also speak to one of their Peer Mentors, an Anti-bullying Ambassador or their Form Representative who will advise them.
Please also feel free to report any incidences of bullying via email to [email protected].
Free App to detect cyberbullying and harmful content from SafeToNet
We are really grateful that SafeToNet are working as official supporters of the Anti-Bullying Alliance and Odd Socks Day this year. They are providing their safeguarding online app free for 60 days (available from Monday 11th November). Find out more about how you can download it and use the promo code 'ABA2019'.