March 11, 2024

Sir Jonathan North host national aerospace roadshow
At the start of March, we were delighted to welcome the Schools’ Aerospace Careers Programme to Sir Jonathan North Girls’ College, where they hosted a careers roadshow for 120 Lionheart Year 10 and 12 students from three additional Trust secondary schools: Beauchamp College, Beauchamp City Sixth Form and Judgemeadow Community College.The purpose of the event – which is currently visiting a selected number of schools all across the country – was to provide students with exposure to aeronautical engineering experts and equip them with relevant information which would peak their interest and encourage them to pursue potential careers in this sector. The programme also allowed them broaden their horizons and network with influential companies outside of Leicester.
The day began with an illuminating talk from Dr Michael Smith – Chairman of the programme – who spoke about careers in the aeronautical industry, their importance and how they will develop in the future. He was then followed by representatives from both GKN Aerospace and Babcock International who spoke about their personal experiences working in this sector; sprinkling a bit of relatability into proceedings, the GKN speaker revealed that she actually grew up in Leicester!
Students were thoroughly engaged throughout all of the talks; they listened intently and posed some real inciteful questions to the speakers. A particular highlight was when a robotic dog wandered in during Dr Michael’s talk! The Agile Mobile Robot – more commonly known as Spot – has been designed to streamline the aeronautical industry and simplify day-to-day tasks and students marvelled seeing it in action.
Next, attendees visited three ‘stations,’ which all focused on a different aspect of aeronautical engineering. Students had the opportunity to use Virtual Reality headsets and watch a demonstration of how other forms of VR technology can be used in aeronautical design.
They also attended a Careers Fair and were able to network and speak to apprentices working for a wide range of companies including ADS, Airborne, UK Space Agency and the Royal Aeronautical Society. Students came away from the event with useful contact details and a fresh perspective on their future plans; the event allowed them to explore careers they hadn’t even considered and ponder new opportunities that will emerge as the industry develops.