PE Kit
Year 7 - 11:
- Short or long sleeved black logo PE top (from Schoolwear Solutions, Oadby)
- Black shorts/tracksuit bottoms
- White sports socks
- Sports trainers (pumps, ‘Converse’ and ‘Vans’ are not acceptable)
- A plain black sweatshirt (no zips or buttons)
- Thick black sports leggings only for aerobics, trampolining, gymnastics, health and fitness, fitness activities and dance are optional.
- The students must supply hair bands and hair should be tied back
- Finger nails must be short
- Black Sports Hijab (if appropriate)
All clothing and belongings should be clearly marked with your child’s name.
ALL jewellery must be removed and placed in the valuables box at the beginning of PE and dance lessons for safety reasons. Any valuables must also be placed in this box and not left in the changing rooms. Any new piercings are advised to be done in the first week of the summer holidays to ensure that they can be removed for their first PE lesson at the College It is the students’ responsibility to take out their earrings and put them back in at the beginning and end of each lesson. Taping over of jewellery is NOT permitted due to new Health and Safety guidelines.